How We Serve Students

Felicity School is designed to serve students who are eligible for special education services in the categories of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Emotional Disability (ED; i.e. depression), Learning Disability (LD; i.e. dyslexia), and Other Health Impairment (OHI; i.e. post-traumatic stress disorder). Students are typically referred by their school district to one of our staff members to determine eligibility to provide services.

Regardless of the diagnosed eligibility category, students referred to us have externalized behavioral overlays that negatively affect their ability to learn in their home school setting. Anyone from a student’s support system, such as a therapist or family member, is welcome to reach out to Felicity School to ask questions and confirm that Felicity is the best fit for their student. We are located in Deerfield (just off Lake Cook Road and Kates Road) and have the capacity to serve up to 60 students.

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