Felicity Pets

Here at Felicity, we have two terrariums and a fish tank in one of our common areas. Our principal, Dr. Dignam, has taken care of terrariums similar in the past and wanted the students to have a similar learning experience. This has been a great chance for students in the common area to look into the terrariums during breaks, have an ongoing project throughout the school year of making the terrariums feel like home and pet the bearded dragon or geckos with staff supervision.

On a weekly basis, students have the opportunity to assist with the care and maintenance of a bearded dragon, two geckos and a variety of fish. Students are able to accompany staff to the pet store for supplies, do research on appropriate care for each of the pets for science credit, help other students feel comfortable interacting with the pets and more. In fact, some of our students have even been working on persuading their families to get similar pets!

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