Our Mental Health and COVID-19: A Message From Felicity’s Clinical Team

To Our Felicity Community,

Where do we even begin to know how to process this? How about some good news? You are not alone! This is an unusual time for all of us and a brand new challenge in adaptation, expecting the unexpected and restructuring time management strategies.

In order to address the impact of CO-VID19 on us as individuals, we wanted to include some perspective to keep in mind:

  • Consider the resources that you may be reading, there are many sources being shown online, specifically social media, that may not have the most updated and factual data regarding health risks.
  • Pay attention to when you may need a break from the news or if you need to set a boundary with someone in your life who is giving you a lot of information at once (i.e. “I can hear that you are very concerned, but I think it is time to focus on a new topic right now”).
  • Try new things! Use this opportunity to organize a closet, cook yourself or your family a nice meal, make a new routine, walk outside for thirty minutes a day, take a break from your phone!
  • Maintain relationships with your loved ones, consistent contact with people we care about may help ourselves and the other person in more ways than one.
  • Re-frame negative thoughts. Psychology studies show that our thoughts influence our behavior, perspective of situations and can even affect our physical health with increased stress levels. Writing down a couple of things in your life that you are grateful for each day may encourage mindfulness, otherwise known as the act of being present.

For more information, the list below includes some great resources from mental health professionals to help all that may be struggling with how to cope at this stressful time:

Last but not least, please do not hesitate to reach out to Felicity’s clinical team for support and suggestions on how to navigate strategies to adapt to the impact of CO-VID19 on the community. The staff email directory is found on the “Contact” tab of the website. Stay Healthy, Inside and Out, Felicity Community!
-Felicity’s Clinicians: Mollie Swillum, Hazel Patel and Sarah Greenawalt

Adventures at Athletico

Recently, our students have been given the opportunity to visit Athletico, a recreational sports center nearby, due to Mr. Nekritz having ownership of the building and wanting to utilize a new space for our students. Athletico has a number of indoor soccer fields that can be used for students to participate in team sports such as Flag Football, Soccer and Capture The Flag. Featured in the photo above is one of our middle school students with one of our high school teachers playing a game of Capture the Flag.

All students are able to get the opportunity to participate for P.E. credit, given there are no documented behavioral incidents prior to attending. In fact, the Felicity team was able to make an agreement with students to make Athletico a weekly tradition on every Wednesday for an extended P.E. opportunity. This is a helpful opportunity to break up the day and have extra space to get some pent up energy out before continuing a day of academics.