Growth Mindset

Felicity School has taken an active approach to letting students know that they can achieve more than they already know. Through a Growth Mindset self- assessment rubric, students and staff have been able to establish a dialogue about progress. “In a Growth mindset, people believe that their most basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work- brains and talent are just the starting point. This view creates a love of learning and a resilience that is essential for great accomplishment,” writes Dr. Carol Dweck.

Often, students have been conditioned to feel they have a Fixed Mindset, one that limits them to knowing what they know and perceiving they will not be able to move past their own status quo. Through the Growth Mindset Rubric, students rate themselves based on the following four categories: being true to self and abilities, asking for help, taking notes and using resources, and overall work ethic. Ratings are based on a 1-4 scale (4: Exceeds Expectations, 3: Satisfactory, 2: Progressing, 1: Unsatisfactory). After students rate themselves, the staff provide a rating for the same categories. Further, this leads to a discussion about individual perceptions and what the classroom teacher observes. Ultimately, this tool encourages self-reflection and gaining control over each student’s educational path.

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